The Cast


Matthew Grainger

Secretary, management committee volunteer

Why NCC?
Been a cinephile since I was knee high to an Ewok - an avid devourer of films, scores, movie texts & scripts, and devout advocate of enjoying movies on the Big Screen. The Pandemic only highlighted to me the enormous importance & benefits of watching films together, experiencing movies socially, the discussions and interpretations that follow each screening. Which is why we do what we do! 

FAVOURITE MOVIE: Jaws, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Boogie Nights,

WHO WOULD PLAY ME IN A MOVIE: Robin Williams or Jim Broadbent

Rob Manley

Chair, management committee volunteer

Why NCC?

Theres nothing quite like the excitement and escapism of a trip to the cinema, munching away on your popcorn as the lights go down and the iconic intro of 20th century fox booms out of the speakers! (Other Studios available)

A fanboy of low-budget 80’s horror, sci fi and anything John Carpenter!

Lliving in semi rural Newcastle, I really grew tired of what the local multiplex had to offer. So I thought the only logical thing was to start our very own Cinema!

In 2009, along with some like minded folk, Newcastle Community Cinema (NCC) was born with a view to bringing a heady mix of classic, independent and documentary cinema to Newcastle and the surrounding area. It wasn’t long before we developed our very own brand of immersive, event based cinema which we soon became renowned for. 13 Years on and NCC is a vibrant independent cinema ran by passionate volunteers with the community very much at its heart, running regular screenings, workshops and events coupled with our annual Full Moon Film Festival (now in its 8th year)

FAVOURITE MOVIES: John Carpenter’s The Thing (mutters ‘Weekend at Bernies’ under my breath) 

WHO WOULD PLAY ME IN A MOVIE: Paddy Considine apparently


Felicia Matheson

Treasurer, management committee volunteer

NCC Volunteer since the dawn of time (2009)

Why NCC?

It came about like any other great idea…a chat over a beer in a bar. After coming home from travelling and living away. there was nothing like this in our area. So after chats with similar minded folks, we thought well why not start one ourselves!

We all agreed from the start that we wanted a Community Cinema and not a film club - something inclusive and fun for all types of people.

So the long yet fun process began - to get Newcastle its very own Cinema!  

FAVOURITE MOVIE: Labyrinth, The Lion King, Death Proof and anything with Sandra Bullock
WHO WOULD PLAY ME IN A MOVIE:  I dread to think but Sandra Bullock obviously.

Craig Fyfe

Venue Manager, full-time employee

Why NCC?

Cinema and the arts have been a part of my life since childhood, since ‘Willow’ pulled me in with its obscurity, and left me curious about the world beyond my grey surroundings! Throughout my studies at Chelsea College of Art, the cinematic was a medium I remained drawn to, and when we moved back to Newcastle with our two young children, the NCC was one of the first places that jumped out at me, as I discovered its scope and valued place in the local community. 

After our first visit with the kids to see a matinee, I recall saying to my wife ‘Why don’t they have stuff on every night, that place is brilliant!’ when the opportunity came up to make that a reality, I couldn’t get my application in fast enough! My dream is to see NCC build on its fabulous base and go from strength to strength, developing its place as a pillar of the local community. 


WHO WOULD PLAY ME IN A MOVIE: I’d say Zac Efron, my wife would say Zach Galifianakis!

Lucy Royal-Dawson

Management committee volunteer

Why NCC?
Sometime in 2012, I heard on the radio that Newcastle Community Cinema had won an award for best community cinema of the year. You what? An awarding-winning community cinema in Newcastle? I had no idea NCC even existed. So, when we moved back to the area in 2016, I was round to NCC like a shot, happy to help in any way I could. I love its sense of fun, love of movies and community focus.

FAVOURITE MOVIE: This week they are: Orlando, Galaxy Quest, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas.
WHO WOULD PLAY ME IN A MOVIE: The Great Gonzo or Ethel Merman